Hello friends! I wanted write this post to tell you how thankful I am for your business in 2022 and tell you about some of the plans I have for the upcoming year. 2022 was by far my most successful year in music production to date. I produced quite a few songs from very talented artists and I can’t thank you enough for trusting me with your music. It was my first year of being 100% full-time producer and I could not have done it without you! I take a lot of pride in my music production and I can’t tell you enough how much it means to me to be trusted as a producer, recording & mixing engineer. I don’t take it for granted, it’s a great privilege to be trusted with your creativity so I just wanted to say a big thank you!
This year I’m very excited to keep growing my production business while continuing to do the things that have given me success thus far. As most of you know, I do most of my music production out of my home, but I want to mention a couple of other production / recording options that I offer that you might not know about.
The first, alternate option I offer is remote recording for those of you who would prefer producing and/or recording at another location (such as a band rehearsal space or alternate studio). My mobile rig is pretty convenient and compact while still giving me 16 input channels, which is ideal for recording drums or multiple audio sources where a lot of mic inputs are required. It’s also small enough that I can pack it up in my car to drive to the location or check for a flight. So there are virtually no limitations to where we can record together!

Speaking of alternate recording locations, that brings me to the next recording option that I’m very excited about. In the coming year I’ll be producing out of Fire K Studios as an optional production location for those of you looking for a more commercially and acoustically designed space for recording and production.

In particular, I’m really excited about using Fire K for acoustic drum recording. After checking out their live room (seen below), I know this will be my go-to location for any type of recording where a beautiful sounding room is needed.

I’ve also been working on some guides for social media content management and new release guidelines to help you plan and get the most out of your music releases. I’m planning on making a couple of general guides that will be free downloads (you can expect to see those coming in early 2023), but I’m also going to be offering more curated versions of those for artists that I work with that are interested in those services. You'll want to be signed up for my email list so that you don't miss out on those free downloads or other important announcements from me.
Lastly, I wanted to mention that I’ve been doing a lot more video production for artists that I work with. My original idea for getting into videography was to give the artist professional content that they can use to help promote their music releases, but I really found a passion for videography this year that I never knew I had before. I'm really excited to offer more video production to artists as my skill in videography, editing and directing improves. Check out this studio playthrough I directed as a great example of what I can do for you:
Well, that's it from me for now. If you are thinking of releasing music this year, please reach out to me! I'd love to hear about what you've got planned and how I can help you achieve your goals. I hope you have a very productive new year of making great music.
Talk to you soon!
- Ben